🇬🇧 FAQ: Everything you need to know about the Kommunity platform!

1. What is the Kommunity platform?

Kommunity is a community network developed by Kizeo. Its objective is to establish contact between our 55,000 users and all our partners through a common space where you can:

  • Ask questions to our team of experts on all topics related to the products published by Kizeo,
  • Find answers to the problems you face in the topics already covered,
  • Answer other users’ questions,
  • Share tips and good practices with the whole community.

Kommunity is a hub for exchanging information and sharing experiences to help us move forward together where everyone can be of mutual benefit. It is also the ideal place to find all the answers to your questions.The Kommunity platform is based entirely on the collective experience of our community, our ambassadors and the expertise of our employees.

2. Is there a registration fee for Kommunity?

Access to the Kommunity platform is not subject to any registration fee. It is completely free and has the sole objective of offering our community a space to share tips and best practices.

3. How do I register?

In the top right corner of the Kommunity homepage there is a « Register » button. Click on it and fill out the required details (e-mail, name, username and password). If you encounter any difficulties, do not hesitate to contact our support team at contact@kizeo.com.

4. Who are the moderators of the Kommunity platform?

We have selected some employees and customers to moderate the Kommunity platform. It is primarily our partners (historical) and collaborators (service experts) who have expert knowledge of our product(s).

5. Is it possible to become a moderator of the platform?

We welcome you to become a Kommunity moderator. All you have to do is make a request. We will first verify that your candidature meets our criteria. A high level of expertise in our products is required. We invite you to send us your request at: contact@kizeo.com.

6. Can I access Kommunity from a smartphone?

Kommunity is available from any smartphone or tablet. To access it you must firstdownload the « Discourse » application from the Play Store or App Store. Once « Discourse » has been downloaded, you will need to enter the following address: kommunity.kizeo.com.

Please note there are some specific requirements depending on your operating system:

  • On IOs you will always need to access Kommunity from the « Discourse » application,
  • On Android once the address has been entered in the « Discourse » application, you will be asked to install the Kommunity application from your « Kommunity Home page ».

7. What personal data do our teams collect?

We collect the data that is strictly necessary for your registration, i.e.: name, first name and e-mail. In accordance with the GDPR, all this data can be retrieved or deleted at any time at your request.